Amanita Muscaria Crystals



  • Provides feelings of euphoria and tranquility*

  • Eases muscular pain*

  • Combats addictive cravings*

  • Improves creativity*

  • Improves sleep quality*


As a dietary supplement, take 33mg of extract per day or as needed with a meal. For best results, administer under the tongue with provided spoon. Each vial contains 15 high potency servings.


✓ Made from 100% Fruiting Bodies

✓ Wild Harvested in the US

✓ Solvent-Free

✓ Third-Party Lab Tested

✓ Maximum Concentration & Effectiveness



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Benefits (Detailed)

  1. Provides feelings of euphoria and tranquility: Amanita Muscaria contains muscimol that interact with neurotransmitter receptors in the brain, leading to feelings of euphoria and tranquility. (Source: Borodkina, L. E., et al. “Metabolites of Amanita muscaria L.: Identification and biological activity.” Chemistry of Natural Compounds, vol. 38, no. 2, 2002.)

  2. Eases muscular pain: Muscimol found in Amanita Muscaria possess analgesic properties, which can help alleviate muscular pain and discomfort. (Source: Borodkina, L. E., et al. “Metabolites of Amanita muscaria L.: Identification and biological activity.” Chemistry of Natural Compounds, vol. 38, no. 2, 2002.)

  3. Combats addictive cravings: Some studies suggest that Amanita Muscaria may help reduce addictive cravings by modulating neurotransmitter levels in the brain associated with addiction pathways. (Source)

  4. Improves creativity: The psychoactive compounds in Amanita Muscaria have been reported to induce altered states of consciousness that may enhance creativity and imagination. (Source)

  5. Improves sleep quality: Certain compounds in Amanita Muscaria have sedative effects, promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality. (Source)

These claims are based on scientific research and have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended

to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness.


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Amanita Muscaria Crystals represent a new frontier in exploring the enigmatic properties of one of nature’s most intriguing mushrooms. Our 100:1 extracts are responsibly crafted from wild foraged Amanita Muscaria fruiting bodies. We employ advanced extraction techniques at low temperatures under vacuum conditions, focusing on capturing the unique compounds (muscimol) of this iconic mushroom while decarboxylating out the toxins (ibotenic acid).

Safety and Dosage:

Start with a minimal dose to understand your tolerance. Discontinue use if gastrointestinal discomfort occurs. Do not take on an empty stomach.

    • Maintenance Dose: 10 mg

    • Therapeutic Dose: 30 mg

Consume with Caution: Amanita Muscaria Crystals are potent and psychoactive. Use a milligram scale for precise dosage. Do not consume while operating machinery or while pregnant.

500 mg of crystal extract equates to 2 1oz tinctures.

Weight .0011 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 2 × 6 in

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